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Top Wellness Activities in Umluj, Saudi Arabia

Welcome to Umluj, also known as the Maldives of Saudi Arabia. This small town is where wellness invites you to dive in, explore, and activate your soul! With more than 100 islands, you are certain to quickly become a professional beach bum. Between January and June, tourists from all over the world flock to Umluj to see the stunning coral reefs, turquoise water, and white beaches. So, without further ado, let us explore the top wellness activities in Umluj. You’re not going to want to miss this!

Sunbathing on Umluj Beach

Top Wellness Activities in Umluj, Saudi Arabia

Beaches are essential to a wellness-orientated vacation. That’s if you put sunscreen on like it’s a tanning lotion. On the other hand, sunshine is a vital part of a happy, balanced life. Fortunately, there is plenty of it in Saudi Arabia! Umluj Beach is truly amazing, too! The swaying palm trees and the tranquil waters through which you can see are sure to calm any nerves and anxieties from your day-to-day life. So, pack a cooler with some water and sandwiches for the day, don’t forget the beach umbrella, and head to Umluj Beach for an authentic Maldives experience! (Just in Saudi Arabia but who cares, really?

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Scuba Dive and Snorkel?

Top Wellness Activities in Umluj, Saudi Arabia

With Umluj Beach forming part of the Red Sea, it is a sin not to get down into the depths of the blue water. You’ll find more than 1500 species of marine life surrounding you. From coral reefs to colourful fish, you’re sure to see something amazing. For scuba diving, you do need the necessary qualifications as it is a dangerous sport. However, these qualifications are worth it and super easy to obtain and maintain. If you’d like to snorkel, just grab a mask, fins and breathing tube. The latter is optional, though.

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Go to The Mango & Orchards Farms

Top Wellness Activities in Umluj, Saudi Arabia

Between April and June, this farm is the most acclaimed spot in Umluj. There’s a rainbow of trees that dot the farm grounds like mango trees, orange trees, custard apple trees, and more!  These farms give tourists a chance to taste the mangoes for themselves!

Did you know that mangoes are a good source of vitamin A and are high in fiber? In turn, mangoes can aid in the prevention of colon cancer, and heart disease, and also assist with weight control. Visit the Mango Garden and Mango Orchard for this unique wellness activity in Umluj.  At the Mango Garden, there is a small entrance fee, however, this is worth it as there are places to relax and have a makeshift picnic with your fresh mangoes.

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Hiking Baby!

Top Wellness Activities in Umluj, Saudi Arabia

For those who love to hike, head to Harrat Lunayyir! This terrain consists of at least 50 volcanic cones and craters. However, be cautious as Harrat Lunayyir is still active and is likely to erupt within the next century. But, now that the doomsday announcement is done, here’s more information for your next wellness excursion. Harrat Khybar is one of the largest volcanic fields in Saudi Arabia and has three main volcanoes to explore. This striking landscape is something to behold, as the three volcanoes sit next to one another and are completely different in colour, one white and one black. However, the most amazing part of these volcanoes is that you could explore lava tubes! It’s almost like caves.

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It Takes Two to Mango!

Top Wellness Activities in Umluj, Saudi Arabia

Whether you’d like to scuba dive, snorkel, hike, or island hop, Umluj in Saudi Arabia provides the perfect alternative to the Maldives. It’s not a tourist trap, it’s much more culturally rich and chances are nobody will be copying your fabulous, one-of-a-kind ‘insta’ pics for a while. And if you simply want to pick some mangos, go ahead and enjoy this little task as much as you can! You only live once, and it’s about living every moment, being mindful and aware. Open your arms towards the world, it wants to dance with you. After all, it takes two to mango!

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Hi there! I’m Megan, an absolute lover of words, literature, books, stories, anything that has to do with writing, reading, imagining. Because of my passion, I decided to make writing my life, and with that, I decided to study BA Languages at the University of Pretoria and am happy to report that I made my dream come true by graduating and becoming a travel writer. During my final year I wrote for my campus newspaper, the PDBY, where I learned to trust my writing voice. Now, as I sit here writing my petit little bio, I feel more in love with writing than I’ve ever been. Turns out, like much of my personality, my writing can equally showcase both the calm and put-together, as well as the crazy.