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Sensational Spas in Ethereal Egypt

Egypt is extremely beautiful. There are so many things to do and an ample amount of tours to go on. When you’re visiting a new country, it is easy to get swept up by all the to-dos. It’s always a good idea to get some rest while travelling. This is the perfect treat for yourself when abroad, or even in your home country. The ideal place to visit is a spa that …

The Pyramids in the Egyptian Desert

Exhilarating Activities to Do in Egypt

Egypt is renowned for its beautiful architecture. Including the Great Pyramids, the Sphinx and the interesting history behind them. However, not all activities involve hikes and tours of the pyramids. Some exciting activities are available that will get your heart rate pumping. These activities include breathtaking views, ocean life and the hottest desert experiences. If you want an interactive experience, in addition to the stunning scenery. Come check out these exhilarating activities …

Pyramids in Egypt.

Fantastic Desert Safaris in Egypt

You know the saying, when in Rome. No, wait wrong country. Well, the expression applies in Egypt too. This country is famously known for its deserts, of course. The desert holds great historical significance. It once separated the country from neighbouring countries and prevented them from being invaded. It also provided ancient Egypt with precious metals and stones. It’s clear to see the importance of the desert in this nation. So why …

Pyramids in Egypt. Sandy desert

Sand Baths: A Rejuvenating Wellness Activity in Egypt

Have you ever wanted to try a sand bath? And no not the one meant for your hamster or playing in your sand pit. This is a human sand bath, a traditional treatment where you are buried in the hot sand of the Egyptian Desert. This sounds strange, right? However, this practice is associated with countless health and wellness benefits. This does not sound like the type of activity you want to …